
Katie Cruice SmithHello and welcome to my corner of the internet. My name is Katie Cruice Smith.

First and foremost, I am a child of God, saved by His grace when I was just five years old.  I would love to tell you more about my wonderful relationship with my Savior if you want to email me!

I am blessed to be the wife of Jamie and the mommy of Hannah, Ephraim, and Harmony. We have been blessed through adoption and foster care, and I love helping other foster/adoptive parents on their own journeys. I have been the assistant to our adoption attorney for several years, and I love advocating for everyone in the adoption triad.

Greenville_badgeI also love the written word and want to help you craft your story, so others will read it and be blessed! I have over twenty years of experience in the publishing industry and want to share my expertise with aspiring writers. Whether you’re publishing a children’s story, a young adult fiction, a memoir, or a theology book, I have the experience and knowledge to help you share your story with the world. So, let’s collaborate!

You can also follow me at:

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4 thoughts on “Home”

  1. So wonderful to have found your site. I’ll be doing my best to catch up, but I too am an adoptive mom to a beautiful 9 year old daughter who came to out family exactly 3 years ago today! Hope this finds to well, and look forward to the stories that those 3 beautiful little faces help you create.

    1. Thanks for following me, Sammie! It’s so nice to meet another adoptive mom! I hope we can encourage each other as we work to love these kids well!

  2. Hi Katie, I too aspire to hon my writing skills and become published. I would love to read your children’s book! That would be awesome! I would love to know more about publishing. I’m writing a book and I’m praying that God leads me to the publisher that He has chosen. I trust my Lord and Savior! Praise the Lord, our God is faithful! How do I purchase your book? I would love to learn more. Blessings, Amber Raquel Canary
    email: ambercan1@icloud.com

    1. Hi, Amber! Thanks for stopping by! My best recommendation for you is to participate in as many writing seminars and conferences as you can. These are great places to hone your craft and make connections. Join social media groups and ask for beta readers to read your manuscript. You can purchase my book at https://ambassador-international.com/books/why-did-you-choose-me/. Thank you and best wishes as you continue your own publishing journey!

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